Peach Pageant Program Ad

  • Unit price per 

The Clanton Lions Club is a non-profit organization supporting local charities within the community.

Ad Dimensions:
Full (7.5" wide x 10" tall)
1/2 (7.5" wide x 5" tall)
1/3 (7.5" wide x 3.3" tall or 3.70" wide x 6.54" tall))

By purchasing an ad with gold sponsorship, your name or business name will appear on the Gold Sponsor page in the program.

• Digital ads: Digital ads are COMPLETED ADS that are ready to be dropped-into the program layout. When preparing a digital ad, make sure to use the ad dimensions listed above.

• Accepted formats are PDF or JPG. Microsoft Publisher, Print Artist, and PowerPoint are not acceptable. If using Microsoft Word, save your document as PDF. Macintosh compatible files are accepted in native format. If using a Windows PC, please convert all fonts to paths or embed fonts in a PDF document for proper printing.

• Files should be submitted at 100% of the dimensions listed above at 300 dpi. Please submit in proper Grayscale format. If no sketch or ad file is provided, printer will design ad at their own discretion.

• Deadline for Business ads is April 25, 2025. Deadline for Personal/Contestant ads is May 12, 2025. No exceptions.